Chevrolet Camaro V Coupe Facelift Trio.6 AT (326 HP) 2013

Brand Chevrolet
Proefje Camaro
Years 2013 –
Engine Trio.6 AT (326 HP)
Figure Type Coupe

This is the Camaro V Coupe Facelift, one of the cars brand Chevrolet. The Chevrolet Camaro V Coupe Facelift produced since 2013 – . This is a Two voort Coupe. The car has a 3564 cm3 engine, with 6 cylinders, that generates 239 kW 326 HP of power and develops torque 377/4800 N*m/rpm. The car has a top speed of 250 km/h  156 MPH, and 100 km / h mark te 6,Two s seconds.

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Chevrolet Camaro V Coupe Facelift Trio.6 AT (326 HP)

Brand Chevrolet
Proefje Camaro
Years 2013 –
Engine Trio.6 AT (326 HP)
Figure Type Coupe

This is the Camaro V Coupe Facelift, one of the cars brand Chevrolet. The Chevrolet Camaro V Coupe Facelift produced since 2013 – . This is a Two voort Coupe. The car has a 3564 cm3 engine, with 6 cylinders, that generates 239 kW 326 HP of power and develops torque 377/4800 N*m/rpm. The car has a top speed of 250 km/h  156 MPH, and 100 km / h mark te 6,Two s seconds.

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BMW 3er (F30) 316d (116Hp)

Brand BMW
Proefje 3er
Years 2011 – –
Engine 316d (116Hp)
Assets Type Coupe

This is the 3er (F30), one of the cars brand BMW. The BMW 3er (F30) produced since 2011 . The car has a 1995 cm3 engine, that generates 85 kW 116 HP of power and develops torque 260/1750 N*m/rpm. The car has a top speed of 202 km/h  126 MPH, and 100 km / h mark te Ten.9 (11.Three) s seconds. The average fuel consumption for car is Four.Five (Four.Four) l/100km   of Dieselolie.

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BMW X5 III (F15) 25d Two.0d AT (231 HP) 4WD 2015

Brand BMW
Monster X5
Years 2015 –
Engine 25d Two.0d AT (231 HP) 4WD
Bod Type SUV

This is the X5 III (F15), one of the cars brand BMW. The BMW X5 III (F15) produced since 2015 – . This is a Five voort SUV. The car has a 1995 cm3 engine, with Four cylinders, that generates 169 kW 231 HP of power and develops torque 500 N*m/rpm. The car has a top speed of 220 km/h  138 MPH, and 100 km / h mark ter 7,7 s seconds. The average fuel consumption for car is Five,6 l/100km   of Dieselmotor.

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Ford Mondeo IV Facelift Estate Two.0d MT (115 HP)

Brand Ford
Monster Mondeo
Years 2010 – 2014
Engine Two.0d MT (115 HP)
Assets Type Wagon

This is the Mondeo IV Facelift Estate, one of the cars brand Ford. The Ford Mondeo IV Facelift Estate produced since 2010 – 2014. This is a Five vanwege Wagon. The car has a 1997 cm3 engine, with Four cylinders, that generates 84 kW 115 HP of power and develops torque 300 N*m/rpm. The car has a top speed of 187 km/h  117 MPH, and 100 km / h mark te 11,Four s seconds. The average fuel consumption for car is Five,Trio l l/100km   of Dieselmotor.

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